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Marking Paper

See how to assign marks to the theory section of a paper.

Tixa Grade

Any paper that was created with Theory questions must be marked by the administrator or Assessment Compiler before the result for that candidate can be made available.

Getting Ready

You can create an assessment paper by clicking on Mark Theory on the "Explore" dropdown on the sidebar or on the Explore page itself. Select the candidate you wish to mark and proceed.

Assigning Marks

After you proceed, you can then start marking the answers provided for the questions. Be sure to click the save button after you choose or provide a mark.

Finalise Marking

When you have marked all the answers provided, click on the Finalise button at the very bottom of the page. The page will inform you on whether or not you have marked all answers. You can then proceed.

There is currently no way to remark a paper. Be sure that you have assigned the appropriate marks for every answer before finalising.


The aftermath after you finalise the marking will mean the result for that paper will now be available for both you and the candidate on their portal.

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